[Youtube] Introducing a handy sewing machine that you can see in 5 minutes ⑥! !! Making a furoshiki bag
Do you think you can't use a handy sewing machine? Regarding the popular project, this time we tried to make a hot furoshiki bag! !! We will introduce a simple method of sewing for a handy sewing machine with 10 years of sewing experience, just by sewing in two places. What is a handy sewing machine? リンク 前回までの記事はこちら [Youtube] Introducing a handy sewing machine that you can see in 5 minutes ⑤!! Mask making [Youtube] Introducing a handy sewing machine that you can see in 5 minutes ④ !! [Youtube] Introducing a handy sewing machine that you can see ...
[Youtube] Introducing how to draw a curve with a straight ruler in 5 minutes! !!
Ojizaka has released a work video for creating a pattern. One of the most frequently asked questions is how to draw a curve using a straight line ruler. Is there such a way? Where did you remember etc This time I will introduce it in 5 minutes. Please refer to us. Let's watch the video first What is the purpose? It is to save time and effort. It may be common to use a curve ruler for curves. But you can use a straight line ruler to draw a curve. That way, you don't have to use a curve ...